It’s taken me a while to get going this year but, in between commercial bits and pieces, I’ve been working on some environments. Although the overall narrative for the game is still coming together, I have loads of different locations already in mind that I’m trying to wind the story around. Most are based on real places or, more often, a combination of places that have stuck in my head. This week I’ve been working on a Victorian swimming pool…
Development Diary #1: Introduction
After an unexpectedly busy year of freelancing I’ve scraped together some reserves, cleared a few months in the calendar and I’m finally making a start on a project I’ve been thinking about since I finished college: a point and click adventure game. I thought it might be a good plan to record some thoughts along the way, mainly in the hope that some of the ideas I have floating around my head can be pinned down by putting them into words, but I’m also trying to cajole myself into setting and sticking to some kind of schedule and thought keeping a diary might help with that too. There’s always the outlying chance someone else might find some of it vaguely interesting as well I guess, who knows? Let the waffling commence…